Tips for Presenting

You’ve got 5 minutes, so make it count!

Most of us are not public speakers and don’t look forward to talking in front of groups. Remember that this is a very friendly audience whose only purpose for being here is to learn about your group! Keep in mind that no one is expecting you to be able to answer every question about the nonprofit you nominate, but come prepared to describe what the organization is all about, what kind of impact it makes on the community, who it serves and how it will use the money. You may want to speak with a staff or board member to let them know you will be nominating their nonprofit and ask if there are any special points you should make on their behalf. The women in our group are here to learn more about the nonprofit you are nominating and may not be aware of the great work it does.

Know Your Facts!

  • This is a quick and informal presentation. No PowerPoints, videos, or handouts. Bring a note card with your facts if you don’t know them by heart.

  • You should be able to tell the story of the work your nonprofit does in less than five minutes. What do they do, how do they do it and who is served.

Show us the heart!

  • Start with an engaging line. “___ women in our community are involved in a domestic violence dispute every month.” “There are ___ homeless teens in this town.” “___% of seniors are unable to find a ride to the doctor.”

  • Think of a way to tie in a personal story of those your organization impacts. Why does this nonprofit matter? How does it touch people’s lives? Throw in a personal story about a client who has been helped. How does the organization change lives?

Show us the money!

  • Where will the money go? It could be a general operating budget to help grow, it could be materials to assist staff do their jobs or clients to improve their lives. There may be a specific, pressing and time-sensitive need that the nonprofit has right now.

  • Taking time to ask the nonprofit what specifically they would do with the funds helps our members make choices of which nonprofit they want to support tonight.

One of our members will signal you when you have one minute to wrap it up and there will be a short Q&A period.